The Story Behind the Book
I’m still pinching myself over the fact that God gave me the opportunity to write a book.
Some of you have just come across my writing for the first time, some are long-time friends or readers from my first blog Worship Rejoices, others are writing friends I’ve labored beside in this tricky writing world, and a few are new Baltimore friends who are likely thinking “She’s a writer?” Whichever camp you fall in, allow me a quick explanation for those of you who only know pieces of my story.
I grew up in Texas, attending church, assuming I was a Christian. I was a typical first-born rule follower. I stayed out of major trouble and tried to impress adults with my behavior. But I didn’t love Jesus or understand the essential, saving role he played in my life. I didn’t have a desire to live a holy life in order to please him. As a teenager, I began considering my involvement in the church. I wasn’t going on Sundays in order to learn more about God or because I loved the people I found there – I went simply out of obligation. Thankfully, this bothered me and pushed me to ask hard questions that would result in genuine, saving faith found by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus alone.
As a teen, I was desperate to understand God and grow in godliness, but I didn’t know where to begin. (Foolishly, I didn’t think to begin in the Bible.) Instead, I have a vivid memory of sitting on the floor of our local Christian bookstore, scouring books for any words of wisdom. Over the course of the next few years, God opened my eyes to the beauty of the gospel through the regular preaching of the word, the fellowship of the church, and through a series of discipleship relationships. But reading has always remained a fruitful lifeline aiding my growth in godliness – hence my desire to give back through the ministry of writing.
In May of 2017, I decided to write my daughter a book for her thirteenth birthday. I wanted to say all the things I feel like I should say every day, but that the noise of the day often seems to crowd out. I wanted her to know the things I wished I’d known as a young woman learning to follow Christ. The result of my efforts, was Growing in Godliness.
Growing in Godliness: The Teen Girl’s Guide to Maturing in Christ is the book I was looking for twenty years ago. I’m praying it will gently and lovingly (& spunkily) come alongside the curious teen girl who’s learning how to follow Jesus and give her the practical theology she needs to understand God, joyfully serve him, and grow in her faith. Honestly, I never thought I’d write a book to teenagers. But in retrospect, it makes perfect sense. I found Jesus while looking for him in books as a teenager. It’s clear mercy that God would call me to use my testimony to draw others closer to himself. I pray it will strengthen and serve the next generation of Christian sisters!