The Carlson Family Moves to Baltimore
For the past eight years our family has called BridgePoint Bible Church in West Houston, home. There, my husband Kyle and I have grown in our faith, in our love for God’s word, and also in our desire to serve the Lord wherever He might call us. This week at church we announced we are moving on from BridgePoint and the great city of Houston.
In January 2014, I wrote an article for Desiring God expressing my desire (and my husband’s) has always been to serve the Lord anywhere in the world he would call us to go:
“God’s heart is to redeem the world, to gather his people from every nation. One day, he will be worshiped by people from every tribe and tongue. Until that day comes, we should set our lives to making his name known among all those peoples. Our hearts should grow and grow for God’s glory across the globe, because he cares about his glory among every people, in every place.”
In the past year and a half, the Lord has clarified many of our hopes and dreams and the culmination of those prayers has been the birth of a new ministry endeavor. While it isn’t across the globe, it is outside of the Bible Belt where I’ve lived all my life, in a land with no Texas twang or trace of Mexican food. Kyle and I are thrilled to announce that we have been commissioned by the North American Mission Board to go and make disciples in Baltimore, Maryland. A fantastic team of fellow workers are already there on the ground and we are eager to join them! We hope to move near the end of the summer so everyone can get settled before school starts.
While Baltimore may seem random for those of you just learning about our plans, we assure you our decision isn’t random to God and His kingdom purposes. Before Freddie Gray’s murder and before the rioting that drew national attention, the Lord had already moved many pieces in place as he set his work in motion for the Carlson family at exactly the right time.
As we watched tragedy unfold from states away, our hearts broke as the city rioted and burned. We longed to be on the ground alongside other workers already in place. The media attention in the following weeks has underscored both the city’s brokenness and and our desire to join the good Gospel work already taking place inside the city of Baltimore. Our entire family is excited to be a part of God’s purposes for this city.
The next few months will be a whirlwind of team building, support raising, packing, house-selling & buying, goodbyes, and many tears. While our excitement grows with each day, so does our sadness as the reality of saying goodbye begins to set in. We would love a chance to sit down (or Skype) with anyone who is interested in hearing more details about the work set before us, in becoming a supporting prayer partner, or joining our team through financial commitment. If you’re excited to find your place in supporting us, shoot me an email. We look forward to sharing encouraging stories of all the Lord is doing in Baltimore for the glory of His name and we hope you’ll be a part!
Would you join us in prayer for both the city of Baltimore and our family?
“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!'”
Romans 10:14-15